/index.php/2008/02/03/le-net-ne-tient-qua-un-cable/trackback/cable.jpgUn câble sous-marin coupé par un bateau au large de l'Egypte et voilà 75 millions d'individus privés de téléphone et d'Internet en Egypte, en Inde et à Dubaï. The Guardian consacre un article intéressant à cet événement qui pose la question de la sécurité des réseaux :

« One expert suggested that this week's accident should be a "wake-up call" to convince governments that keeping such connections secure should be a higher priority. Officials must spend more time and energy making sure that critical communications such as mobile phones and the net are adequately protected - whether from disaster or a terrorist strike, said Mustafa Alani, head of security and terrorism at the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai. "This shows how easy it would be to attack," he said. "When it comes to great technology, it's not about building it, it's how to protect it."» 

L'article est accompagné d'une carte mondiale des câbles sous-marins (notre illustration) passionnante !

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